千呼万唤始出来啊,等死老子了 回复
9.6 影评(37) 人气(98%)
2016-4-30 10:52:21
相对于其他都市偶像剧,觉得这剧很多地方演的很现实,演员也各有千秋,演得很好,特别表扬小邱和樊姐,ANDY就更不在话下了,典型实力派,而且纯正美音,有底气有演技;虽然一直不太喜欢跟刘涛搭戏的魏渭,但想来也很现实,成功男大多.. 回复
10.000 影评(4) 人气(15%)
2016-2-20 14:17:14
great! 回复
10.000 影评(5) 人气(43%)
2016-2-11 1:33:53
Now i have a question here, how come the second kid brought to life by the doctor creater could be easily tore.. 回复
箭不在弓 xyf5201314 回复:The website yatu spreading countryside?where you come from?why said bird language?
8.675 影评(34) 人气(73%)
2015-12-11 20:42:30
再一次觉得男女主角演技都真的太假惺惺,男2男3都演的很好, 特别是男2很自然;这剧真是越看越不想再看;各种装。。。这类国剧果然还是经验不足。。。 回复
8.675 影评(34) 人气(73%)
2015-11-13 21:07:57
Never count on this kinda movie screened in our motherland at the very begining。The truth is:yes,utterly prove.. 回复
谈定 tllycll 回复:这水平,哈哈哈~
美ONE cloaking 回复:Excuse me, sir, if you've ever submitted something in english here, you can see it's forbidden to comment with dot
蔡 z6925292 回复:这个句号暴露你了的low
绝对公平主义者 sparkliu 回复:фильм не см
熊猫 daxiongmaoputi 回复:So great!
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